Learning Acceleration Roadmap Toolkit

The CCLA Learning Acceleration Roadmap is a guide to aid school sites and/or districts plan, in implementing and iterating learning acceleration objectives with the goal of supporting students in reaching grade level standards. Your team’s regional hub facilitator(s) will provide support and guidance along the way.  Depending on your identified goals, additional strategies may be included to supplement the roadmap in support of your work.  You are welcome to gather any additional documentation that will support this plan.

This process follows elements of a PDSA cycle of inquiry in mathematics, literacy, and/or language development.

CCLA's Asset Mapping Tools

CCLA Roadmap: Asset Mapping

CCLA's Data Reflection Tools

CCLA Roadmap - 2 Data Reflection

CCLA's Goal Setting


CCLA Roadmap: 3 Goal Setting

CCLA's Implementation


CCLA Roadmap: 4 PDSA Cycle
CCLA Learning Acceleration Roadmap Form.pdf